Synopsis 1: Ten days. Five friends. One trek across Utah's Uinta Highline Trail.
Watch as the ancient history of the trail is woven together with the personal history of each of the hikers as they get back in touch with the world, and each other.
Synopsis 2: Ten days, Five friends, One trek across Utah's Uinta Highline Trail.
Highline offers a glimpse into the lives of 5 experienced hikers, and follows their adventures as they traverse one of America's least known mountain ranges. Along the way they learn stories from the past as told by a local Archaeologist.
Highline follows 5 hikers as they traverse a lesser known mountain range in Utah called the Uinta. Viewers will experience the adventures and challenges along the way. Local archaeologist Tom Flanigan adds another layer of depth to the experience by sharing stories from the past and conveying the importance of this lesser known place. As the story progresses, viewers begin to learn more about the hikers, and why they choose to hike for days, weeks, and even months at a time. Stories of PTSD recovery, addiction recovery, health and family issues are heavy topics in the film.
Article on Highline by The Trek
Highline article by Socal Hiker
Highline article by Mountain Philosopher
Florida Today article featuring an interview with Matt Favero.
Utah Outside article on Highline
The Backpacking Experience Podcast interview with Chris Smead about Highline
The Hike Podcast interview with Benny Braden about his role in the film
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